Tag Archive | #nature

The sky speaks in a thousand colors.

#Sky #colorful #naturephotography #Silhouette #trees #photography #tree #mobilepgotography #sunset #nature #pinksunset #colorsofnature #sunsetphotography #indiapictures #amritsar #beautiful #fall #autumn

By Sachneet Kaur

BAJMC Sem 5th

Do something drastic…cut the plastic!

Nothing lasts forever except plastic that still lasts forever and ever and ever! The world today is drowning under a massive pile of discarded plastic. Due to their versatility, low cost and ease of manufacture plastic are used in multitude of products of different scale. Out of which only 9% of all plastic is recycled 12% is burned and 79% is in landfills and our oceans. So, have you ever thought the plastic which we use in each and everything come from? And what harm is it making to our environment? NO, right, but did u know plastics are made out of refined crude oil and contains chemicals such as BPA (bisphenol- A) that function mainly as plasticisers, making plastic more durable and flexible. While this makes plastic very practical for everyday use, it also adds a significant health risk, especially whenever it comes in contact with food. This is due to the fact that when plastic is used to store or heat a dish, chemicals from the containers can leach into the food. And which ultimately would increase the level of BPA in humans and create serious health issues including diabetes, heart disease and many more. Moreover, the single use of plastic material which we throw goes in the oceans and effects our marine life as the sea animals get entangled and sometimes there is indigestion caused by plastic. Which in turn kills the fisheries. This also contribute to degradation of habitat and exposure of chemicals into the water.

Large quantities of plastic waste thrown at the roadside.

Here are some ways which one could imply and use less of plastic and save yourself and the surroundings near from plastic.

1-BRUSH WITH THE BAMBOO– give up on your plastic tooth brushes and start brushing your teeth with either with wooden brushes or a bamboo.

2-BY LOCAL AND REQUEST PLASTIC FREE PACKAGING -use reusable cloth or jute bags for groceries.

3-USE REUSABE DRINKING BOTTLES make a habit to carry steel or glass bottles for drinking water.

Try to give up on these items.

4-DO NOT DRINK USING STRAWS -straws are the single use plastic material. Try to say no to straws or use reusable glass straws.

5-COLLAPSIBLE FOOD POTS FOR SNACKS AND TAKE OUTS– take collapsible food containers for taking out food.

To conclude, I would say that we have to go back to square one to the ancient times where there was less plastic and less diseases because of plastic. And encourage more and more people to use less plastic and try out some of these stated methods.

By- Sachneet Kaur

BAJMC Sem 5th